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blog Get Big AND Ripped...At The Same Time?

Get Big AND Ripped...At The Same Time?

Is there a “forgotten” element for burning fat and losing weight? Yes… and it’s one you don’t often hear talked about - due to the Is it possible to get both BIG and RIPPED… at the SAME time? Let’s take a look at this hotly debated topic and see if this dream can be a reality.

Let’s be honest…

What’s the first thing you think when you see somebody that is both big AND ripped?

If you mind shot to ??? …

You’re not alone. 

For years, when my jiu jitsu students ask me if it is possible to get big and stay ripped - I had the same answer…

You can get big… or you can get ripped - it’s virtually impossible to do both unless you’re on the sauce.

From what I always knew…

This was definitely the case. 

It’s why bodybuilders have a “bulking” season…

If they want to put on size - they have to eat massive amounts of calories and lifting as heavy as possible.

The problem is - not all the calories are used - and wind up being stored in a layer of pudge buildup. 

Bodybuilders don’t worry too much…

Getting fatter is part of the process. 

Because after they bulk up…

They trim down. 

Bulking season turns into shred season by basically doing the opposite of what they did to get big…

They get shredded by eating less calories, doing more aerobic activity and upping their rep range. 

It’s this idea that these two aspects work in contradiction to each other is why most people - yours truly included - think that it’s impossible to get both big AND shredded at the same time. 

But maybe I was wrong…

Maybe there is a way to do both without the use of pharmaceuticals. 

Let’s take a closer look…

Lift That S#!T!

The first aspect we’re going to look at is lifting…

Because one of the most important elements in body REcomposition is strength training. 

Strength training is a huge piece of the puzzle as it helps with increasing lean muscle mass - which as we know with one of our recent articles - also helps with the fat burning process. 

Not only does it increase your metabolism… 

But it looks great too. 

And let’s be honest…

The majority of the people that train are worried more about aesthetics than performance - so looking good is a huge motivator in doing the necessary work. 

    Now, with strength training - it’s important to focus on compound movements such as the Holy Trinity of squats, deadlifts and bench press - or a few of the “old school” exercises like bent-over rows and shoulder presses. 

    These exercises are great because they work multiple muscles at once - and the more the muscles work - the more they have to adapt. 

    If getting big AND ripped is your goal - you may want to keep the sets at 3 to 4 and the rep range at 8 to 12. 

    Of course, you may want to switch it up a week here and there and lift heavier for less reps or lighter for more - but the bulk of your regimen should be as discussed above. 

    Get Moving, Fatty…

    So, now that we have the lifting piece of the puzzle out of the way…

    Let’s talk about one of the most HATED (and boring) aspects of living healthy…


    Because in addition to strength training - if you’re not incorporating any cardio into your workout routine - your ability to burn fat will be GREATLY reduced. 

    Cardio helps burn more calories during your workouts and increases your overall energy expenditure throughout the day.

    And a minimum - if you want to burn fat while maintaining muscle - shoot about 30 minutes of moderate intensity cardio 3 to 4 times a week.  

    Some find it easier to just do it after a lifting session - since you’re at the gym - but you can divide your workouts up too.

    Now, if you’re wondering what “moderate intensity” cardio may look like - some of the more popular are: running, swimming, cycling or any other activity that gets your heart rate up for an extended period of time.

    What Are You Putting In Your Face Hole?


    We’ve covered lifting and cardio - so that leaves just ONE last area: 


    Now, as much as we like to THINK it doesn’t…

    Our diet plays a MAJOR role in helping you get the physique you desire. 

    To build muscle and burn fat at the same time you need to make sure that you are eating enough protein… (as we talked about recently HERE)

    What do the experts recommend to get both big AND ripped? 

    About 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. 

    However, protein needs a friend to keep the body operating at optimum levels…

    As you should also be ingesting carbohydrates at that same 1 gram per pound of body weight ratio. 

    Do this while keeping your total caloric intake at a level that allows for gradual weight loss (about 500 calories below maintenance)...

    And given time - you’ll see the changes. 

    Hell, doing this alone would show results…

    Doing it in conjunction with lifting and cardio - and you’ll see changes in as little as 4 to 6 weeks.  

    But you need BOTH protein and carbs…

    Eating both will ensure that you get enough nutrients to fuel your workouts…

    As well as ensure recovery happens - even with a slight caloric deficit.


    Is it possible to get both big AND ripped at the same time?

    Well, sort of…

                                                                                                                                                                                     Building muscle while ALSO burning fat is possible - but you have to be consistent. 

    If you're consistent with your strength training program.

    Consistent with your cardio…

    Consistent with your food intake…

    Then it’s absolutely achievable. 

    The question is…

    Is it efficient?

    Is it better than bulking and cutting? 

    I haven’t found any research on the subject - so I can’t answer that with any certainty…

    What I can say is that strict calorie limitation and constant cardio is nowhere NEAR as fun as going through a bulking phase. 

    It comes down to the individual…

    If you’re a disciplined and regimented person - then the method described in this article may fit your fitness goals perfectly. 

    However, if you’re a normal human… 

    You may prefer bulking separately from shredding. 

    I mean, come on…

    What’s the purpose of living if you can’t eat a fat, juicy burger once in a while. 

    “Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most.” - Abraham Lincoln

    Editor’s Note: Consistency is key to reaching your goals… you just have to be patient. That’s great… but what if you need results sooner rather than later? One way to get incredibly FAST results is to boost testosterone - the hormone responsible for increased muscle growth. If you’re looking for that boost - ANABOL Hardcore could give your faster gains than you thought possible. Just don’t be surprised if strangers come up to you at the gym and ask you about your “cycle”. ANABOL Hardcore is incredibly potent… but if you really want to kick things into high gear - you may want to try the ABOL Stack - which includes ANABOL Hardcore PM. Either way… be prepared - you may need to buy a whole new wardrobe. 

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