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The 3 Reasons You're NOT Burning Fat

If you’re on a fat loss journey and you’ve either stalled or really haven’t dropped any pudge - it’s probably because you’re lacking in one of three key areas. Here are the 3 main reasons you're not burning fat FAST.


Fat is the bane of any athlete's existence. 

Well… not ANY athlete - Sumo wrestlers need it if they want to push around the other behemoth standing across from them in the ring…

But we’re not talking about Sumo - we’re talking about the 99.999999% of the world that should view fat as a hindrance and not an advantage. 

Fat is a problem…

Especially here in the US - where a whopping 77% of our youth are physically unfit to serve in our armed forces. 

That’s a scary thought…

And it’s a clear sign that it’s time our society takes fat - and more importantly, fat loss - seriously. 

Especially for those of us who are single.

Sure, there’s a movement towards “fat acceptance” in today’s culture…

But the truth is - if you want to attract the opposite sex - you better be fit. 

We don’t have any pretty peacock feathers to show off…

We’ve got abs - so… we’ve got to fight for them. 

For many of us…

The fight against fat is a long, drawn out battle - with each side taking advantage at some points - before giving ground back to the other. 

We have to do more than just win these little skirmishes with our pudge…

It’s time to not only win the battle - but win the WAR - and relegate fat to the dustbin of history. 

Did that sound as convincing as Patton? 

Or - at the very least - as persuasive as George C. Scott’s version of General Patton? 


Meh… whatevs.

The Three Reasons You’re Not Burning Fat

I’m not here to inspire you to win the modern Battle of the Bulge…

I’m here to explain that if you’re losing the war to fat - it’s because it’s beating you in at least one of THREE key areas. 


Let’s take a look at the 3 things you can do to kickstart your fat burning furnace. 

Now, look…

I totally get that burning fat is easier said than done… 

But with the right approach - it’s something anybody can do. 

Caloric Deficit


I know nobody likes talking about their diet… 

But the truth is - the first and most crucial factor to burn fat fast is to put your body in a caloric deficit. 

How do you do that? 


You just need to consume FEWER calories than your body burns so you can force your body to tap into its stored fat reserves for energy. 

Creating a caloric deficit can be achieved through diet, exercise, or - most likely - a combination of both… 

However - it's essential to ensure that you don't create TOO much of a caloric deficit as this can lead to muscle loss and other health issues. 

A deficit of about 500-1000 calories per day from your maintenance caloric total is considered safe and effective for most people.

To find what your maintenance caloric total is - you can’t go wrong with the Mayo Clinic… 

You can find your maintenance number by going HERE

Once you’ve got that - start subtracting calories from it to put yourself in a caloric deficit and that will put you on the path to burning more fat. 



You thought you could lose weight by just sitting on the couch and playing video games? 

Well… TECHNICALLY, you can, if you stay in a caloric deficit… 

So, if you’re lazy, go right ahead! 

However, if you TRULY want to kick the fat burning up to 11 (thanks, Spinal Tap) - then exercise is an ESSENTIAL factor to burning fat FAST. 

Exercise not only helps burn calories…

But it also helps to build muscle - which in turn boosts your metabolism and burns even MORE calories - it’s like the Fibonacci way to get lean. 

Now, cardiovascular exercise is probably the most efficient way to burn fat (no duh, right?)... 

But - if fat loss is your goal - you can’t go wrong with a little cardio. 

It raises your heart rate, increases your core temperature and increases your body's calorie-burning capacity. 

However, just because cardio works…

Doesn’t mean that weights do NOT. 

Resistance training is an effective way to burn fat - as it helps to build muscle - which, as I mentioned a few moments ago - increases your metabolism, helping you to burn more calories throughout the day.

That’s where the Fibonacci reference comes in… 

Adding one or both to your regime (which odds are - you’re already doing ONE of them) - can really give you the edge in the fight against fat. 



The first two aspects are sort of no-brainers, right? 

We knew that diet and exercise were going to be a big part of this…

However, the third field of battle that MANY of us Fat Fighters tend to ignore is supplementation. 

If you want to throw gas on your fire - supplements can help to boost your metabolism, increase energy levels, and reduce hunger cravings - making sticking to that caloric deficit a WHOLE lot easier. 

Since we’ve been talking in threes…

I’m going to give you three supplement ingredients that have been shown through scientific research - to have a positive effect on fat/weight loss.

3 Ingredients To Throw GAS On The Fat Burning ???

Caffeine anhydrous is a highly concentrated form of caffeine that has been shown to increase energy levels, reduce hunger cravings, and boost metabolism. 

In a study published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders - it was found that caffeine is VITAL to fat loss - as it increased fat oxidation during exercise… 

Leading to greater weight loss over time.

Theobromine anhydrous is a natural compound found in chocolate that has been shown to have similar effects to caffeine anhydrous. 

It increases energy levels, reduces hunger cravings, and boosts metabolism, leading to increased fat burning. 

Now, that doesn’t mean you can sit on the couch and eat candy all day…

It’s a compound found IN chocolate - not the chocolate itself. 

A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that theobromine supplementation led to a significant increase in fat oxidation during exercise as well…

Putting it on caffeine’s level when it comes to fat burning. 

Citrus aurantium is a natural extract derived from bitter orange and has been shown to increase metabolism, reduce hunger cravings, and boost energy levels…

In a study published in the Journal of Medicine and Food - it was found that citrus aurantium supplementation led to significant increases in metabolism and fat oxidation - making it the perfect compliment for the others we talked about. 

It's Time To WIN!

There you have it…

The battle plan to win the war on fat! 

If you want to do it FAST - there’s just 3 simple (but not EASY) steps:

Create a caloric deficit, exercise regularly, and supplement your diet with ingredients like caffeine anhydrous, theobromine anhydrous, and citrus aurantium…

As these ingredients have been scientifically proven to increase metabolism, boost energy levels, and reduce hunger cravings.

It’s time to quit pussy-footing around…

It’s time to WIN! 

“A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.” - General George S. Patton

Editor’s Note: Yes… caffeine anhydrous, theobromine anhydrous and citrus aurantium are POWERFUL ingredients - which is why we put them in our flagship fat-burner - LIPO-6 BLACK UC. To grab this or any of our other powerful formulas - click on the banner below! 

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